martedì 4 febbraio 2014



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    Reflections on the work of visual artist Pali George.

Musica Maestro No. 1

Walking in the natural park of dreams and experiences loaded painter Pali George at the Albanian National Gallery of Art in Tirana; makes you stop before the Queen of dragonflies.

Femininity of artistic creation , invites me to rethink the queen inside the totemic  Real Women which correspond to the art work named Queen of Pilivesa.

 It is said that the features of the alphabet is inscribed by the Creator on the wings of butterflies , but the wings of dragonflies carry tunes of  the artist's love affected .

This fantastic journey follows the path beyond forest - color knitted dream sounds . 

Lay off of a house as the stone is so vaporous heart shaped rocked out to see godmothers or apple soft laugh of  the Highlands in Razma ,  Shkrel implemented by mountains , above the fertile plain of the valley of Cemi river . Its silver yarn end another awakening melody is " Serious music " by the grandmother of George Pali . Urban Serenade from Shkodra City  becomes  jazz symphony in the sky and sitting by the artist on the move too little lights twinkle colorful constellations.

Collage honors in profile as the first hidden from the eyes of visitors and this affected the clot of Soul ( Music heavy , 122 * 80 , 2013 , oil on canvas , collage ) that became happier as a flower meadow just below the feet of lush trees and few if any of passengers dip to grasp and enjoy it.

To understand this road map , the first  I had to climb a hill as icy mountain overnight . Works that renewed motivation sometimes labeled as " Wings of Love " ( Natyre Inspired
50"H x 42"W, oil) .


Inside the bird under the wings of flaming helicopter as sound as hats ,  two lovers are meeting with touching poetic energy between the Ti- Unit and unified in the air . 

Instant nothingness with the fragrance of white rose widely known as a Snow Flower .

Before arriving to the higher motivation in thees cycles of painting , the mind was just in flame inside and was enriched in emotions by this kind man and a smiling soul's of artist.

Retaken motives in the art work of  a Fish as a cyclist , painting "Dream of Fish " ( 50 x 61 oil on canvas ) , and to " The Golden Dream of Fish " ( 61 * 76 , oil on canvas ) , plays this comic symphony  verses written on the canvas like fish scales.

I felt that the weights were down, without any  fears in this travel and following this happy thought , the same as smiley and happy inhabitants of Shkodra did many decades ago as a way of depart from the dictates nightmares 

I entered across the woods inside the art work named "Tree on red field of flowers"  inspired by the author ,  singing as a password transcended from Albanian ancient fathers.  I heard the sound of woods and gas sings of life.

Tree on red field of flowers

Punctualism in Mediterranean style in his Sunshine warmth , is applied sweet and soothing, time to times in the paintings of George Pali, created as an art craft with silver and gold in filigrees technique of artisan hand made.

Harmony between spots as naturally obtained within wide sensation of Pali between the relationship from the cold and hot , dark and claiming balance in the painting - dream as his master pieces .


Further critical priori estimates of the exhibition by any visitor professional that works like easy and illustrative; I think that in this "No Gravity" , George surprises with innovation in the form of floppy and creates movement through the paces in composition .

This sequence against a parabola that there appears to be painted as a child proves that Paul 's childhood garden retains intact and not to forget the game has to bee a timeless artist.

Calling from oak blood or paternal gene homeland ( father Genome  ) manifested in the symphonic  jazz music to sing lullabies as a  human rhapsody. So jumping inside such a joyful spirit , excitement brought me by musical celebrations among paintings of Georges , touching the realized dream of several generations of  his predecessors to became a true artist.

Fulfillment of this family supreme wills, quiescent state is another good light as pollen gathered in this noble itinerary . 

To clearing through sincere fantasies , everyone may feel the 

original Sound in himself, the braided beauties of 

romantic traveler George Pali.  

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